
Opened April 22, 2001 This brilliantly touching and often hilarious story follows Miles, a young actor from the big city who moves in with two friends, Morgan and Angus, aging bachelor farmers, to do research for a new play. Intrigued by the puzzling Angus who suffered brain damage during World War II, and gently tormented by Morgan because of his ignorance of all things rural, Miles attempts to integrate himself into farm life with varying success. Desperate for material, Miles includes an overheard story in his play, unwittingly breaking open the fragile pattern of the farmers' lives. Michael Healey's The Drawer Boy is an elegant testimony to the transcendent nature of fiction and the healing power of truth.

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Steppenwolf does not offer advisories about subject matter, as sensitivities vary from person to person.If you have any questions about content, age-appropriateness or stage effects(such as strobe lights or theatrical fog) that might have a bearing on patron comfort, please contact the box office at 312-335-1650.

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Content Advisory

Steppenwolf does not offer advisories about subject matter, as sensitivities vary from person to person.If you have any questions about content, age-appropriateness or stage effects(such as strobe lights or theatrical fog) that might have a bearing on patron comfort, please contact the box office at 312-335-1650.